Friday, 5 April 2013

A beginner's pilot to yoga and its vital benefits

Yoga was originated in ancient India which has its roots in the Sanskrit language.

Author: Yoga Asanas
Yoga was originated in ancient India which has its roots in the Sanskrit language. The literal meaning of the Sanskrit word yoga is "yoke", "to join" or "to unite". The term defines the physical, mental and spiritual disciplines in order to ensure the overall fitness. Yoga is a physiological process which helps creating an absolute poise between the mind and body and strengthens the body as well as soul. Now days, Yoga is practiced by a lot of people in almost every part of the globe.

Yoga for beginners can prove productive given that they must go about practicing it in a sequential progression and with a certain code of conduct. However, yoga for beginners, the poses taken should neither be difficult to perform nor too strenuous. Normally, all yoga sessions must begin with "surya namaskar" or sun salutation which means bowing to the sun which is considered to be a warm up .it nourishes the soul and helps running the stream of energy through the body, then one should continue with the seated yoga asans which are intent to improve posture and to encourage the beginners to focus on the breathing exercises (pranayama).

One should always start with simple "asanas" or postures and move toward the advanced poses. There are around 84 yoga Asanas described and every pose is such designed to promote a state of mental and physical well being and good health. Some basic poses include shoulder stand (sarvangasana), locust (shalabhasana), headstand (sirshasana), bow (dhanurasana), triangle (trikonasana) and so on. One must focus on mastering the basic asans first, which can be then intensified to further deepen the practice.

The poses follow an exact arrangement to let the body parts move in a more balanced way that enhances the life force energy or Prana. The fruits of yoga are countless. One cannot simply itemize the benefits of yoga over a single sheet. Benefits of Yoga are split into the physical, mental and spiritual disciplines. Some of the benefits are as follows-

1- Yoga helps better weight management
2- Yoga helps meditate
3- Yoga helps ward off allergies
4- Yoga helps arthritis
5- Yoga helps improve the sex life

Apart from this bunch of benefits of yoga, there is still more yoga can do to any individual. It takes away back and spine related problems, osteoporosis, diabetes and menstrual problems. Power yoga helps the body to work functionally and elicits properties of what a good aerobics or Cardio session can do. Practicing yoga during pregnancy helps chuck out the stress and tension related to pregnancy and improves stamina to abandon pain and discomfort.

The anti aging process is one of the miracles of yoga as it reduces the catabolic process of cell deterioration and helps oneself feel younger. Through the practice of yoga, one can become aware of the interconnectedness of the physical and mental levels which consequently leads an insight into the restrained and subtle areas of human existence. Thus serving in almost all the possible fields, yoga is very advantageous for us.

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About the Author
The yoga for beginners is liable to make the most of this ancient science originated in India. The various benefits of yoga lies in keeping away the several physical ailments as well as gaining the mental peace, relaxed life and harmony in relations through achieved patience and conscious level.

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